E-mail To The Childcare Action Project

Good evening,
I wanted to alert you to the fact that in your South Park review appears the following sentence:

A man committed suicide by juming out of a window.

This was clearly intended to have read "jumping" rather than "juming".

Also, there appears this sentence:

"Let's ([homo]sexual intercourse) at least four times

(This is in the enumeration of the movie's drawbacks, not in the review itself, where the quote is also used.) It appears that you have forgotten to place a close-quote after the close-paren.

I hope that you can take care of these matters, as they detract from an otherwise scintillating (not to mention groundbreaking) presentation. Please keep up the good work, and feel free to communicate any concerns either to myself or to my sensei.

Yours in Perpetuity
Eddie Tews
Redmond, Washington

Mr. Tews:
"jumimg" Duh. Thank you! I have had the errors corrected. You are certainly welcome to check them out for yourself. And thank you for the supportive comments about this ministry. About five of the comments I have received about our analysis of South Park have been supportive. Someone posted a link to the South Park analysis on their anarchy newsgrouop and we have had more than 60,000 visits and more than 500 emails about the analysis, two or three of them being death threats. It was indeed a breath of fresh air to hear this from you. That you have read the report with such keen attention to detail and have no other points of concern is truly a welcome treat. Please feel free to send any other errors you find to me.

Always in Jesus' name.
--Thomas A. Carder
ChildCare Action Project: Christian Analysis of American Culture (CAP)
P. O. Box 177, Granbury, TX 76048-0177
A nonprofit Christian Ministry

Donations are tax deductible
Sponsor inquiries are welcome
Email: cap@capalert.com
Website Address: http://www.capalert.com/-------

Dedicated to investigating and reporting on the impact of the American culture on the integrity, self respect, and coping skills of youth, and inherently on family values and unity, using the teachings of Jesus as Investigation Standards.-------<*}}}><